TL8 1 was a great proof of concept and proved to be useful. TL8 2 was a step to improve the user experience. TL8 3 is bringing along three new features: the Markdown editor, the Full Editor and the import & export of work in progress
I released tl8 last year. It came with a few integration issues. tl8 1.0.0 solves those issues and now, all Angular apps can be translated.
In this article, you learn how to provide an API for feature modules to customize some parts of an application shell. You learn about Injection Tokens and Component Outlets and we introduce a new concept: Extension modules. Those 3 pillars together enable you to build a sophisticated extension API.
In this post, I explain how to protect your whole application with a guard against unauthorized access and mostly how to disable the guard for specific controllers and routes.
In this post, I describe a way to set up your development environment that enables you to write more integration tests for Nestjs applications that use MongoDB.